Format policy registry tests

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FPR customization permanency testing[edit]

Several FPR customizations were applied to an Archivematica 1.6.1 site, which was then upgraded to Archivematica qa/1.x to test the permanency of these changes. Completed on 15 September 2017.

Test 1: Rename formats[edit]

Illustrator format versions renamed with version number (this helps with format version identification on Rules tabs, too!).


  • Expected result: All formats still renamed
  • Actual result: All formats still renamed

Test outcome: PASS

Test 2: Assign preservation format marker[edit]

For all JPEG format versions, checked off the “Preservation format?” box.


  • Expected result: All JPEGs still typed as preservation formats
  • Actual result: All JPEGs still typed as preservation formats

Test outcome: PASS

Test 3: Assign different normalization rule[edit]

Assigned the “transcode to tif using convert” command to the format Better Portable Graphics, for the purpose of preservation.


  • Expected result: BPGs still have the above rule
  • Actual result: BPGs still have the above rule

Test outcome: PASS

Test 4: Disable normalization command[edit]

Disabled “Transcoding to mp3 with ffmpeg” normalization command.

  • Expected result: Command still disabled
  • Actual result: Command still disabled

Test outcome: PASS

Test 5: Reassign rule[edit]

Reassigned Broadcast WAVE 1 from the disabled “Transcoding to mp3 with ffmpeg” rule to “Transcoding to wav with ffmpeg” Also enabled format rule as it was disabled by Test 4.


  • Expected result: Rule still set to transcode to wav and enabled
  • Actual result: Rule still set to transcode to wav and enabled

Test outcome: PASS

Test 6: Create new command and assign[edit]

Created a new command “my custom rule for testing” and assigned it to the format Scitex Continuous Tone Bitmap.


  • Expected result: Rule still exists and is assigned to the format
  • Actual result: Rule still exists and is assigned to the format

Test outcome: PASS

Future tests[edit]

  • Add a new format
  • Add a normalization rule to a format that doesn't currently have one, but will have one after the upgrade