Upload DIP

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Main Page > Development > Development documentation > Upload DIP


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Chat about requirements

we've begun changing the workflow to get ready for multi-file upload (.e.g. all the files in the AIP instead of a single AIP.zip)
(11:08:25 AM) vangarderen.peter: austin: are you still getting a 500 error on that? I don't have an Archivematica session open right now
(11:08:41 AM) austin: I havnt tested it again since yesturday.. sec
(11:08:57 AM) Sevein: Austin, we should check URL variables values
(11:09:10 AM) austin: I did but couldnt find any issues
(11:09:21 AM) Sevein: mmm...
(11:10:11 AM) austin: should I setup a tunnel? I can only leave it on for a hour or so
(11:10:40 AM) Sevein: ok, that would be nice
(11:10:47 AM) austin: moment 
(11:11:17 AM) vangarderen.peter: so I've changed the worfklow directories slightly for this. See http://code.google.com/p/archivematica/source/detail?r=300
(11:11:35 AM) vangarderen.peter: however, this should affect the current instance of upload-qubit.py
(11:12:13 AM) vangarderen.peter: it just gets called when files hit 9-uploadDIP instead of 8-uploadDIP now, see http://code.google.com/p/archivematica/source/diff?spec=svn300&r=300&format=side&path=/trunk/includes/incron.tab
(11:12:44 AM) austin: just because I just used it... a completely nsfw ip tool http://www.moanmyip.com/
(11:13:20 AM) Sevein: vangarderen.peter: but the script is called in the same way, AFAIK it shouldn't be a problem
(11:13:29 AM) vangarderen.peter: yes, exactly
(11:13:45 AM) vangarderen.peter: so let's make sure that works as before first, then move on to the next step
(11:13:54 AM) vangarderen.peter: so the next steps will be:
(11:14:55 AM) vangarderen.peter: 1) for each AIP, Archivematica writes just the access format copies of each file to 8-reviewDIP/$UUID
(11:15:04 AM) vangarderen.peter: ^ Joseph and I are working on that today
(11:16:06 AM) vangarderen.peter: 2) users reviews files in 8-reviewDIP/$UUID and decides to upload it to ICA-AtoM by dropping /$UUID into 9-uploadDIP
(11:17:31 AM) Sevein: I am not very used to Archivematica concepts, but I can see what you mean more or less
(11:17:34 AM) vangarderen.peter: 3) upload-qubit.py gets triggered when /$UUID is dropped into 9-uploadDIP, it reads the files contents (flat file, no nesting) of the directory, loops over each file as a single file upload to Qubit
(11:17:56 AM) Sevein: so upload-qubit.py is getting a path?
(11:18:20 AM) austin: sevien join my screen
(11:18:23 AM) vangarderen.peter: yes, /$UUID
(11:18:43 AM) Sevein: ok
(11:18:45 AM) vangarderen.peter: where $UUID == c920c100-5df2-11df-a08a-0800200c9a66
(11:18:57 AM) vangarderen.peter: or d0810770-5df2-11df-a08a-0800200c9a66, etc.
(11:19:07 AM) Sevein: I see
(11:19:19 AM) vangarderen.peter: i.e. we generate a UUID to identify each SIP
(11:19:19 AM) austin: Sevein: $# = file name  $@ = path
(11:19:22 AM) vangarderen.peter: http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen
(11:19:37 AM) vangarderen.peter: right
(11:19:44 AM) Sevein: k
(11:19:55 AM) vangarderen.peter: then you will need a parent information object in Qubit to which you can link each of these files
(11:21:47 AM) coolidge49685 entered the room.
(11:22:06 AM) coolidge49685 is now known as peterVG
(11:22:16 AM) peterVG: lost my jabber connection in client
(11:22:22 AM) peterVG: can read but can't write
(11:22:28 AM) peterVG: here in web client now
(11:22:32 AM) peterVG: to continue...
(11:22:42 AM) peterVG: *first* you will need a parent information object in Qubit to which you can link each of these files
(11:23:34 AM) peterVG: just use the name of the directory ($UUID) as the title, assign the Level of Description to Series and make it a top-level (i.e. its parent it the root information object)
(11:24:06 AM) peterVG: (its parent *is* the root information object)
(11:25:23 AM) peterVG: for each file, just its filename as the information object title (like the current digital object import default) and set its level of description to item
(11:25:38 AM) peterVG: let's get that ^ working first
(11:26:30 AM) Sevein: ok, I see
(11:27:06 AM) peterVG: then the final iteration will include reading additional metadata from a SIP.XML file which will be included in /$UUID. This XML file will contain additional information object field values for the parent series level and each file to include as parameters in the upload
(11:27:26 AM) Sevein: ah ok
(11:27:40 AM) peterVG: I better capture all this in a wiki page ^
(11:27:42 AM) Sevein: I saw an example sent by Austin
(11:27:49 AM) Sevein: Peter, that would be great
(11:28:03 AM) Sevein: I think some jabber connecting problems interrumped your description
(11:28:09 AM) peterVG: but it mostly makes sense, what we are trying to do?
(11:28:16 AM) Sevein: 100%
(11:28:24 AM) peterVG: yes, I can't post and your posts are showing up double
(11:28:27 AM) Sevein: I don't see it difficult
(11:28:32 AM) peterVG: great!
(11:28:46 AM) ***peterVG creating wiki page <insert music>