Archivematica 1.11 and Storage Service 0.16 release notes
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Release date
In the header, include any general notes about the release. For an example, see the Archivematica 1.6 Release Notes.
Supported environments
Link to installation instructions.
Specify supported environments.
Make special note of any changes to supported environment.
PREMIS Event import
This feature allows the import of PREMIS events which took place prior to processing in Archivematica. The PREMIS events are written in an xml format (see sample data) and placed in the metadata folder of a transfer. The PREMIS events are then written to the AIP METS file.
This work was sponsored by Piql and the Norwegian Health Archives. Thank you!
- Documentation: link
- Issue:
New feature 2
Here is a description of this amazing feature! Here's why it's a net benefit to the project and the community, and here is how it will impact your workflow. Also included are any special notes, like if it's a beta feature.
This work was sponsored by some amazing institution. Thank you!
- Documentation: link
- Pull requests: link
- Feature files: link
Performance and monitoring improvements
This is a collection of issues fixed that improve performance for processing at scale, and also enable performance monitoring through external applications such as Prometheus and Grafana.
These updates have been sponsored by Piql and the Norwegian Health Archives. Thank you!
- Documentation: link
- Issues:
- Commonly used database tables don't have indexes:
- MCPServer should reuse database connections:
- Archivematica does not output metrics to analyze its performance:
- MCPService must process all transfer packages sent to it at once:
- Some jobs run even when disabled:
- "Check transfer directory for objects" executed multiple times:
- index_aip crashes elasticsearch for large transfers:
Improvements for full disks
Managing workflows when various spaces on the disk fill up is a recognized pain point for Archivematica users. This project makes three overall changes to storage space reporting in Archivematica and the Storage Service in an effort to mitigate these issues:
- Change the processing storage usage page to clarify storage paths/locations and improve usability:
- Improve the transfer source location and AIP storage location pages to clarify storage paths/locations and improve usability
- Change Storage Service functionality to support the above changes.
List bugfixes with a link to the Github issue.
- Bugfix 1: link
- Bugfix 2: link. Sponsored by someone!
- Bugfix 3: link
Upgraded tools and dependencies
- Update to PRONOM v.95
End of life dependencies
Python 2 has reached end of life. The Archivematica delivery team along with a number of community contributors has been working on upgrading this dependency. This release merges all Python 3 code that was ready in advance of the release, while still supporting Python 2. Components which have been upgraded and/or tested using Python 3 include:
- Dashboard:
- Storage Service: Note We were not able to test some storage spaces, including Sword2, LOCKSS-o-matic and DSpace.
- amclient:
- Automation tools:
- Fixity:
- am/compose:
- Fido:
We will continue to work toward full Python 3 use in upcoming releases.