Archivematica 1.6 release notes

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We are dedicating the Archivematica 1.6 release to the memory of Nancy Deromedi. Many of our users will know that a major defining feature of this release is the new Appraisal and Arrangement tab. This idea was conceived and sponsored by the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan, under the leadership of Nancy Deromedi. Sadly, her life was cut short by cancer before the project was completed. From Michael Shallcross, Bentley Historical Library:

“Nancy Deromedi was a leader in the field of digital preservation at the University of Michigan's Bentley Historical Library from 1997 until her untimely passing in 2014. Always eager to explore new ideas and strategies, she inspired her colleagues to innovate, take risks, and embrace emerging technologies. The success of the Bentley's "ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-DSpace Workflow Integration" project (funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation) is very much a tribute to her vision, generosity of spirit, and constant drive to find better and more efficient solutions to preserve and provide access to digital archives.”

Archivematica 1.6[edit]

New features/enhancements[edit]

  • Sponsored (Bentley Historical Library University of Michigan) Appraisal/Arrangement tab - #10555
    • New tab to facilitate analysis of transfer contents and arrangement of SIPs. Includes:
      • Visualization of transfer contents (number/size of files, file types, extensions)
      • Bulk Extractor report analysis (in tabular format)
      • Tagging content as an "aide memoire" during processing
  • Sponsored (Bentley Historical Library University of Michigan) ArchivesSpace integration in Appraisal tab - #10556
    • This integration with ArchivesSpace will include pulling accession record and rights information from ArchivesSpace to facilitate arrangement of SIPs, as well as sending SIP metadata from Archivematica to ArchivesSpace to update or create digital objects and digital object components.
  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) Improvements to transfer backlog management - #10551
    • Ability to search transfers from archival storage tab
    • Ability to download copies of transfers or selected files from archival storage tab
    • Ability to perform transfer deletion requests from archival storage tab
  • Sponsored (Zuse Institute Berlin) Full AIP re-ingest and AIP re-ingest improvements - #10563
    • Able to send an AIP back to the beginning of the transfer tab to re-run all major preservation micro-services
    • Re-normalize for the purpose of preservation and update the AIP and version the METS file
    • Improved handling of updated metadata
    • Ability to define a different processing configuration for re-ingest
  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) DIP upload to AtoM improvements - #9752
    • Add AtoM REST API endpoints to GET archival hierarchy and PUT archival description
    • Add Archivematica REST API calls to AtoM endpoints to GET archival hierarchy and PUT archival description
    • Use the above to upload AIP metadata to AtoM descriptions, without creating DIP objects
  • Sponsored (University of York/University of Hull) Support for multiple checksum algorithms - #10052
  • Sponsored (City of Vancouver Archives) Emailed normalization error report - #10146
  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) AIP view page that incorporates AIP download, reingest, deletion requests and metadata-upload to AtoM

New and upgraded tools/dependencies[edit]

  • Sponsored (Bentley Historical Library) Bootstrap upgrade which has changed the transfer browser and SIP arrange interfaces

Storage Service 0.10.0[edit]

  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) Fixity checking and reporting
    • Modify Storage Service to record time and results of fixity checks
  • Sponsored (University of York/University of Hull) Support for re-ingesting uncompressed AIPs
  • Sponsored (Museum of Modern Art New York) Support for fixity check result "None"
  • Add version page to the Storage Service

New and upgraded tools/dependencies[edit]

  • Siegfried: updated to 1.6.7
  • Fido: updated to 1.3.5
  • Django: updated to 1.8
  • Django-tastypie to 0.13.2
  • agentarchives 0.3.0
  • gearman 2.0.2
  • METS reader-writer 0.1.0
  • mysqlclient 1.3.7 (Dashboard only)
  • Python-dateutil 2.4.2
  • lxml 3.5.0
  • Bootstrap 3.0.0
  • Bagit 1.5.2
  • unidecode 0.04.19
  • Django-mysqlpool 0.1-9
  • PRONOM v.88

Bug fixes[edit]

Please see bug fixes here