Archivematica 1.11 and Storage Service 0.16 release notes
Home > Release Notes > Archivematica 1.11 and Storage Service 0.16
Release date
In the header, include any general notes about the release. For an example, see the Archivematica 1.6 Release Notes.
Supported environments
Link to installation instructions.
Specify supported environments.
Make special note of any changes to supported environment.
PREMIS Event import
This feature allows the import of PREMIS events which took place prior to processing in Archivematica. The PREMIS events are written in an xml format (see sample data) and placed in the metadata folder of a transfer. The PREMIS events are then written to the AIP METS file.
This work was sponsored by Piql and the Norwegian Health Archives. Thank you!
- Documentation: link
- Issue:
New feature 2
Here is a description of this amazing feature! Here's why it's a net benefit to the project and the community, and here is how it will impact your workflow. Also included are any special notes, like if it's a beta feature.
This work was sponsored by some amazing institution. Thank you!
- Documentation: link
- Pull requests: link
- Feature files: link
Describe enhancements or major fixes.
Enhancement 1
We fixed this issue. Here's why it's a net benefit to the project and the community, and here is how it will impact your workflow. Also included are any special notes, like if it's a beta feature.
This work was sponsored by some amazing institution. Thank you!
- Documentation: link
- Pull requests: link
- Feature files: link
List bugfixes with a link to the Github issue.
- Bugfix 1: link
- Bugfix 2: link. Sponsored by someone!
- Bugfix 3: link
Upgraded tools and dependencies
- Update to PRONOM v.95
End of life dependencies
List any dependencies that have reached end of life since the last release, as well as a note on the plan going forward.
Make note of any risks, and how users can mitigate them.