Meeting 20120627

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Artefactual Systems, Internal Archivematica Dev Mtg, 2012-06-27


  • Joseph did some workflow cleanups.
  • Joseph did some work on rights.
  • Joseph tried to replace the office docs normalization command with a direct open office call.
  • Mike C made an AJAX/REST API for creating/editing/deleting data from the dashboard (needed for rights admin).
  • Mike C worked on updating the rights data schema and reflecting this in the dashboard rights admin interface.
  • Mike C fixed IE 9/10 issues with the dashboard.




  • CM mocked up the AIP index interface

Chat log[edit]

<berwin22> did some workflow cleanups.
<berwin22> work on rights. not finished yet
<epmclellan> coming along, though, from the looks of it
<berwin22> yes
<berwin22> spent some time yesterday trying to replace the office docs normalization command with a direct open office call.
<peterVG> epmclellan: okay, np. please have mtg then to try and fish out. can meet with me tomorrow if further feedback/decisions needed
<epmclellan> peterVG: will do
<epmclellan> berwin22: how'd it go?
<epmclellan> the open office call?
<berwin22> not great
<epmclellan> too bad
<mcantelon> Mike C made an AJAX/REST API for creating/editing/deleting data from the dashboard (needed for rights admin).
<berwin22> lot's of fails. but I think it might be only able to do one at a time. I was seeing segfaults, but the file would be generated.
<berwin22> going to try continuing tweaking it today, but not sure what to expect.
<epmclellan> good luck
<epmclellan> thinking of removing .rtf from automatic normalization to odf
<epmclellan> since it's pretty ubiquitous
<epmclellan> that would help reduce the Open Office load
<courtney> i can get behind that
<berwin22> odf is math formula's?
<djjuhasz> is .rtf an open standard?  I would think so.
<epmclellan> open document format
<epmclellan> rtf is a proprietary ms format but the spec may be published
<berwin22> .rtf -> .odt
<berwin22> k
<epmclellan> let's blow it away
<djjuhasz> wow, I always thought .rtf was a "generic" format... crazy
<berwin22> create an issue?
<epmclellan> no, it's heavily used but is still an MS format if I recall correctly
<epmclellan> I'll create the issue berwin22
<berwin22> what's the reason for the change?
<epmclellan> the format is still widely used, not at risk of obsolescence
<epmclellan> and hard to normalize well
<mcantelon> The evil that Redmond does.
<ARTi> epmclellan: can we say the same about mbox :'(
<epmclellan> true, but we don't really have an ingest process for mbox yet
<epmclellan> we could easily leave it as mbox
<peterVG> Sevein: djjuhasz epmclellan one other AM/ICA-AtoM 1.3 that Sevein was going to look after was to put a flag on the updateCheck calls made from ICA-AtoM 1.3 shipped with Archivematica to get better install stats for Archivematica 0.9 
<epmclellan> that would be awesome
<peterVG> will probably require a custom/extra packaging step for ARTi
<Sevein> yep
<peterVG> but otherwise easy to do in existing code Sevein?
<Sevein> sure
<mcantelon> Sweet.
<mcantelon> Mike C worked on updating the rights data schema and reflecting this in the dashboard rights admin interface.
<mcantelon> Mike C fixed IE 9/10 issues with the dashboard.
<epmclellan> nice
<courtney> CM mocked up the AIP index interface
<peterVG> courtney:  link?
<courtney> Issue 925
<courtney> it's attached
<djjuhasz> peterVG: sounds good @ flagging archivematica installs of atom
<peterVG> right eh?
<peterVG> potentially lower percentage of updateChecks as Archivematica installs are more likely to be behind firewalls that may restrict outgoing http requests
<peterVG> but still, should present some interesting results
<epmclellan> good point
<peterVG> Tessela only has 13 installs
<peterVG> we'll be able to say confidently that we have 30? 50?
<epmclellan> mostly sandbox though
<peterVG> First digital preservation to 100 installs! :-)
<peterVG> 100 production installs!
<epmclellan> I install five at home, that'll bump up our numbers
<peterVG> epmclellan: just glad you're on our team
<epmclellan> heh
<mcantelon> Haha
<epmclellan> any more docs or testing news?
<courtney> still testing
<epmclellan> yep, that'll be ongoing, I'm trying to get some testing in too
<courtney> if our PM mtgs are cancelled, I'll finish off Bag Ingest testing today