Significant characteristics of video files

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Main Page > Documentation > Format policies > Significant characteristics > Significant characteristics of video files

This page is no longer being maintained and may contain inaccurate information. Please see the Archivematica documentation for up-to-date information.

  • From Arts and Humanities Data Service Preservation Handbook: Moving Image, Gareth Night, 2005: "For preservation purposes, the significant properties of digital video are the video length (e.g. 90 minutes, 20 seconds), frames per second (25 for PAL, 30 for NTSC), video dimensions (e.g. 720 pixels x 576 pixels), bit-rate (kbps), associated metadata, and file size. If audio is also provided, the audio bit-rate (kbps), frequency (kHz), and number of channels." (p.7)

property value component property definition constraint unit datatype
imageStreams video the number of distinct video channels in the digital object channels positive integer
audioStreams audio the number of distinct audio channels in the digital object channels positive integer
length video the number of frames in the recording frames positive integer
width frame width of the image frame pixels positive integer
height frame height of the image frame pixels positive integer
bitDepth pixel the amount of data recorded for each pixel bits positive integer
colourModel pixel the colour model used when recording the pixel value enumerated list
colourSpace pixel the colour space used when recording the pixel value enumerated list
pixelAspectRatio pixel aspect ratio of the pixels making up the image ratio ratio
frameRate video the number of frames to be displayed in a given time interval frames per second positive integer?
interlace frame whether the source was interlaced video boolean boolean
metadata the existence of metadata associated with the digital object elements