SIP Structure

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Main Page > Development > Category:Development documentation > SIP Structure

A Transfer or SIP in Archivematica has a number of special directories and files that will trigger specific workflows.

Path File or Folder? Usage
/SIP_Folder folder Top level container for the the SIP
/SIP_Folder/DIP folder Created by Archivematica for the DIP
/SIP_Folder/DIP/objects folder Created by Archivematica and contains the access objects
/SIP_Folder/DIP/thumbnails folder Created by Archivematica for thumbnails for the DIP objects
/SIP_Folder/logs folder Created by Archivematica for log files generated by Archivematica
/SIP_Folder/logs/fileMeta folder ???
/SIP_Folder/metadata folder Metadata files provided by the user or created by Archivematica
/SIP_Folder/metadata/checksums.md5 text file User-provided checksums for original files. Format is the same as the output of md5deep -rl objects/. Also supported: checksums.sha1 and checksums.sha256
/SIP_Folder/metadata/file_labels.csv CSV file ???
/SIP_Folder/metadata/metadata.csv CSV file User-provided file-level DublinCore metadata
/SIP_Folder/metadata/metadata.json JSON file User-provided file-level DublinCore metadata formatted as JSON. Will be converted to a CSV during processing
/SIP_Folder/METS.sip-uuid.xml XML file Created by Archivematica with all of the metadata on the METS
/SIP_Folder/objects folder Original objects provide by the user. If this directory doesn't exist, all files in /SIP_Folder will be moved here by Archivematica
/SIP_Folder/objects/access folder Triggers access workflow. Deprecated in favor of manual normalization workflow.
/SIP_Folder/objects/manualNormalization/normalization.csv CSV file User-provided CSV that provides a mapping for original objects of the same name to their access and preservation derivatives
/SIP_Folder/objects/manualNormalization/access folder Access derivatives created outside of Archivematica. Should have the same filename as the original, but may have a different extension
/SIP_Folder/objects/manualNormalization/preservation folder Preservation derivatives created outside of Archivematica. Should have the same filename as the original, but may have a different extension
/SIP_Folder/service folder User-provided service files. Normalization can be performed on these files instead of the originals
/SIP_Folder/submissionDocumentation folder Folder for user-provided files that are not original objects but should still be in the AIP
/SIP_Folder/thumbnails folder Created by Archivematica for thumbnail derivatives