Meeting 20121128

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Artefactual Systems, Internal Archivematica Dev Mtg, 2012-03-21


  • Mike C has almost roughed out advanced AIP search (I've had it on the main AIP storage page during development, but will move it to its own page as per the mockup).
  • Joseph created a 0.9 branch for legacy development and merged FPR and non-FPR
  • Mike C fixed dashboard issues related to the merge
  • Mike C will be working on OAI harvesting in the future


  • Mike C has been researching how to add child documents to AIP data from PHP (for UBC's augmentation of the AIP data).


  • Courtney has been updating testing protocols in the wiki


  • Courtney moved SIP creation and visualization on wiki roadmap to 1.1

chat log

<berwin22> Master branch is now 1.0 development
<berwin22> 0.9.x is for continued development with the 0.9 schema
<berwin22> epmclellan: will Trim be 0.9.x and 1.0 development, or just 1.0?
<epmclellan> what is 0.9.x development?
<mcantelon> Mike C has been fixing dashboard issues related to the change from integer to UUID primary keys.
<epmclellan> oh sec, reading
<peterVG> no more 0.9 dev
<peterVG> well, wait
<berwin22> It's more work to do both
<peterVG> is that right berwin22?
<epmclellan> CVA wants to test the TRIM features in December
<peterVG> so can we do go-forward def for that on 1.0
<berwin22> K, so we'll setup a 1.0 dev for them to do their testing?
<peterVG> yes
<berwin22> sounds good to me
<peterVG> k, thx
<peterVG> courtney: as for scalability testing next week
<epmclellan> berwin22: they already have dev installed, it'll be an update
<peterVG> i assume those are all stock 0.9 archivematica vms that austin has running there
<peterVG> right epmclellan?
<peterVG> I guess 1 MCP & 3 client VMs?
<epmclellan> no, it's dev
<epmclellan> I think so
<peterVG> oh, okay, well fine
<berwin22> dave rice got back to me with a contributors agreement.
<peterVG> but i guess not if we just want to get some metrics on ingests
<peterVG> that just need to work
<peterVG> i.e. from a stable release
<peterVG> to get our performance metrics, which are supposed to justify the long-awaited move to Archivematica VMs for CVA
<epmclellan> well let's see how the scalability testing goes using dev
<peterVG> ...along with increased Transfer/SIP upload speed (eliminating sneaker net)
<epmclellan> if it's fast, everyone will be happy
<peterVG> epmclellan: sure, just worried it will be broken
<peterVG> so will hold-up testing
<epmclellan> it's not currently broken
<peterVG> or provide variable results depending on latest trunk update
<epmclellan> I've tested it
<peterVG> okay, cool then lets rock it
<courtney> and i'll keep testing the rest of this week and next
<peterVG> sweet
<peterVG> courtney: can you use any of the format-corpus materials
<epmclellan> no need to update CVA before the scalability tests, tho
<peterVG> would be good to start using those as baseline
<peterVG> also, do we have an asana task for uploading our sample records to that corpus?
<courtney> peterVG: sure
<courtney> peterVG: i'll make one
<epmclellan> berwin22: glad to see dave rice contributions
<epmclellan> he knows his stuff
<courtney> also, can someone remove the sample data import from the dev-helper script?
<epmclellan> are we at deployment? sorry, have several things going on at once here
<epmclellan> project  management is for the birds...
<berwin22> courtney: I think the sample data section should be updated to reflect the changes, not removed
<mcantelon> courtney: good call... sure berwin22 or I will remove that.
<courtney> either way, that would just please me lots, berwin22
<mcantelon> One dev related thing, I'm wondering if we should update to Django 1.4 before 1.0 (do you know of any issues with this Sevein)? Sounds like it's mostly backwards compatible.
<djjuhasz> I'm not sure if it fits into deployment or docs, but I think we need to post a public Archivematica project in Redmine
<Sevein> mcantelon: yeah, sounds like a great idea, but django always introduces backward incompatibilities
<djjuhasz> And make the client specific issues private or move them to a Clients/clientname project
<mcantelon> Sevein: Yeah, the main one was it changes some date stuff, but it didn't look too bad otherwise.
<mcantelon> djjuhasz: Makes sense.
<peterVG> courtney: can you please send me the archivematica flyer source files, incl diagr. (or better yet, pls post to GoogleDrive)
<peterVG> i've got a couple of revisions in text. I'll also have a stab at getting higher resolution image into it
<peterVG> also, will do screencap with spellcheck turned off ;-)
<peterVG> ...but looks real good
<djjuhasz> Who can take on the Redmine Archivematica task?
<peterVG> we can print some on glossy?
<peterVG> djjuhasz: is that something you can coach JSimpson in doing?
<courtney> did i freeze or are you all weirdly silent?
<djjuhasz> Sure
<peterVG> it would be a toss into the deep end for Archivematica dev
<mcantelon> courtney: testing...
<djjuhasz> courtney: we're talking
<epmclellan> deployment?
<courtney> oh gosh, onslaught of text!
<courtney> peterVG: yes
<epmclellan> deployment: this afternoon, we need to merge CONTENTdm branch into master
<epmclellan> then update Archivematica at UBC
<epmclellan> unfortunately, Austin can't get through the firewall to UBC's install
<epmclellan> and I can't get hold of Jill at UBC via either phone or email
<epmclellan> and in fact I don't know where Austin is at the moment either
<MikeG-> He mentioned he was sick the other day I believe.
<epmclellan> right, I guess he's still sick
<mcantelon> Deployment: Mike C has been researching how to add child documents to AIP data from PHP (for UBC's augmentation of the AIP data).
<epmclellan> someone needs to be available to merge the two branches this afternoon, it should be quick because Mark's been doing frequent pulls from master
<mcantelon> epmclellan: Either berwin22 or I should be able to do it.
<epmclellan> thanks
<epmclellan> the UBC folks don't know how to do an update, Austin has to help them
<epmclellan> so I guess if I ever get a hold of someone at UBC I'll have them call hinm on his cell...
<epmclellan> all this needs to be done by 10:00 am tomorrow
<peterVG> courtney: actually got your copy of diagrams/flyer. was in my Junk folder!?
<courtney> deployment - i'm going out to ubc monday afternoon to do some copying with sarah
<courtney> peterVG: ok, will stop signing in to drive
<peterVG> i'll post them there when I'm done
<courtney> peterVG: now i know how you truly feel
* courtney is now known as courtneyJunk
<peterVG> about last five days worth of legitmate email ended up in Junk
* courtneyJunk is now known as courtney
<peterVG> WTF?
<courtney> heh heh
<peterVG> now i have to turn spam filter off
<peterVG> probably wont notice difference other than getting more legitimate emails that need reply
<peterVG> ummm. i guess we're still in a mtg?
<courtney> testing - i'm updating testing protocols on our wiki, so i'm going through my draft next week with samples in Archivematica to test process
<courtney> community- i responded on behalf of Artefactual to an ISO standard on Web Archiving
<peterVG> epmclellan: and I had discussion about immediate Archivematica priorities yesterday
<peterVG> courtney: yes, nicely done
<courtney> peterVG: yeah, i'd hope you two will share those with me before you leave
<courtney> in a list/email/wiki of some kind
<epmclellan> peterVG: I think you have the latest version
<courtney> peterVG: and i moved sip creation and visualization on wiki roadmap to 1.1
<peterVG> 09:56:33 AM) peterVG: we'll still do proper dev roadmap update/mtg after evelyn & I get back. week of Dec 10th
<peterVG> (09:56:43 AM) peterVG: but we've got our short-term priorities now
<peterVG> (09:57:04 AM) peterVG: and we'll adjust the roadmap to target a late Feb code freeze
<peterVG> berwin22: CVA TRIM enhancements!
<peterVG> courtney: to test
<courtney> peterVG: i put the mtg in the cal
<peterVG> epmclellan: i told mcantelon that you would explain his dev priorities
<epmclellan> alrighty
<peterVG> we also want MikeG- to keep moving ahead with FPR
<peterVG> we're going to have JSimpson work on SFU automated ingest enhancements
<peterVG> mcantelon: is focused on wrapping up UBC ES interface/guidlines for UBC PHP apps
<epmclellan> after TRIM work, berwin22 will be working on manual normalization workflow
<courtney> peterVG: can i devote a day to fpr tests next week?
<epmclellan> and JSimpson and berwin22 will be working on automated ingest
<peterVG> courtney: great, pls schedule a time with MikeG- I told him to expect to spend some time on this next week
<epmclellan> hmm, OAI harvest from DSpace is on the list but no developer name is next to it
<peterVG> well that's mike
<epmclellan> ah, ok
<peterVG> all archivematica & atom OAI dev will be mcantelon
<epmclellan> excellent
<JSimpson> is there a timeline on the SFU automated ingest work, when it has to start, when it has to be delivered?
<epmclellan> it has to be in the 1.0 release
<JSimpson> ok
<peterVG> no, it could spill into late Jan but it would be great to get done sooner
<epmclellan> mcantelon: I'll work with you on OAI harvest