Main Page

From Archivematica
Revision as of 07:24, 20 September 2010 by Peter (talk | contribs) (→‎News)
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This project is managed by Artefactual Systems in collaboration with the UNESCO Memory of the World's Subcommittee on Technology, the City of Vancouver Archives, and a number of other collaborators.

What is Archivematica?

Archivematica is a comprehensive digital preservation system. Archivematica uses a micro-services design pattern to provide an integrated suite of free and open-source tools that allows users to process digital objects from ingest to access in compliance with the ISO-OAIS functional model. Archivematica uses METS, PREMIS, Dublin Core and other best practice metadata standards. Archivematica implements media type preservation plans based on an analysis of the significant characteristics of file formats.

The overview section provides a detailed description of Archivematica's functionality and technical architecture.

Free and open source

Archivematica is free and open source software. The software applications integrated into Archivematica are each released under their own open source license. These are checked for license compatibility before they are integrated into the project. A full list of applications with their respective license is available on the software page.

Any new software code created for the Archivematica project is released under a GPL version 2 license. All the system documentation found on this wiki is released under a Creative Commons license.

The Archivematica system is available for download at

The source code is available at

Agile development

Digital preservation systems must implement strategies that deal with technology obsolescence and incompatibility to ensure that digital objects remain authentic, accessible and useable for future use. The technologies that create digital objects and the technology available to manage them are constantly changing. Therefore, the Archivematica project has established an agile software development methodology to manage the perpetual maintenance and development of the system. This methodology is focused on rapid, iterative release cycles, each of which improves upon the system's,