METS schematron rules

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Main Page > Development > Development documentation > Metadata elements > METS > METS schematron rules

Root element[edit]

  1. An Archivematica AIP METS file MUST contain 1 root element
  2. root element MUST contain 1 metsHdr
  3. root element MUST contain 1 fileSec
  4. root element MUST contain at least 1 structMap
  5. root element MUST contain at least 1 amdSec
  6. root element MAY contain 1 or more dmdSecs


  1. metsHdr MUST contain 1 CREATEDATE attribute
  2. metsHdr MAY contain 1 LASTMODDATE attribute


  1. dmdSec MUST contain 1 ID attribute
  2. dmdSec MUST contain either 1 mdRef or 1 mdWrap element
  3. mdRef element MUST contain 1 LABEL attribute
  4. mdRef element MUST contain 1 xlink attribute
  5. mdRef element MUST 1 MDTYPE attribute
  6. mdRef element MUST contain 1 LOCTYPE attribute
  7. if LOCYTPE attribute is OTHER, mdRef element MUST contain 1 OTHERLOCTYPE attribute
  8. mdRef element MAY contain 1 XPTR attribute
  9. mdWrap element MUST contain 1 MDTYPE attribute
  10. mdWrap element MUST contain 1 xmlData element
  11. if MDTYPE is not OTHER, mdWrap element MUST contain 1 XML namespace (<xmlns>) attribute
  12. if MDTYPE is not OTHER, mdWrap element MUST contain 1 XML schema location instance (<xsi>) attribute


Note: under construction...

  1. amdSec MUST contain 1 ID attribute


  1. amdSec MUST contain 1 techMD
  2. techMD MUST contain 1 ID attribute
  3. techMD MUST contain 1 mdWrap with attribute MDTYPE="PREMIS:OBJECT"
  4. techMD mdWrap element MUST contain 1 XML namespace (<xmlns>) attribute
  5. techMD mdWrap element MUST contain 1 XML schema location instance (<xsi>) attribute
  6. techMD mdWrap element MUST contain 1 xsi:type="file" attribute


  1. amdSec MUST contain at least 1 digiprovMD
  2. digiprovMD MUST contain 1 ID attribute
  3. digiprovMD MUST contain at least 1 mdWrap with attribute MDTYPE="PREMIS:EVENT"
  4. digiprovMD mdWrap EVENT element MUST contain 1 XML namespace (<xmlns>) attribute
  5. digiprovMD mdWrap EVENT element MUST contain 1 XML schema location instance (<xsi>) attribute
  6. digiprovMD mdWrap EVENT element MUST contain the following PREMIS semantic components: eventIdentifier, eventType, eventDateTime, eventDetail, eventOutcomeInformation, linkingAgentIdentifier.
  7. PREMIS semantic component eventType value MUST be one of the following: ingestion, message digest calculation, virus check, name cleanup, format identification, validation, normalization, fixity check, creation, unpacking.
  8. digiprovMD MUST contain 3 mdWraps with attribute MDTYPE="PREMIS:AGENT"


  1. fileSec MUST contain at least 1 fileGrp element
  2. fileGrp MUST contain 1 USE attribute
  3. fileGrp MUST contain at least 1 file element
  4. file element MUST contain 1 GROUPID attribute
  5. file element MUST contain 1 ID attribute
  6. file element MAY contain 1 or more ADMID attributes
  7. file element MUST contain 1 FLocat element
  8. FLocat element MUST contain 1 xlink attribute
  9. FLocat element MUST contain 1 LOCTYPE attribute
  10. If FLocat LOCTYPE attribute is "OTHER", FLocat element MUST contain 1 OTHERLOCTYPE attribute


  1. structMap MUST have 1 ID attribute
  2. structMap MUST have 1 TYPE attribute
  3. structMap MUST have 1 LABEL attribute
  4. structMap MUST have 1 or more div elements
  5. div element MUST have 1 TYPE attribute
  6. div element MUST have 1 LABEL attribute
  7. div element MAY have 1 DMDID attribute
  8. if div LABEL attribute is "Item", div element MAY have 1 fptr element
  9. fptr element MUST have 1 FILEID attribute