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Main Page > Development > Development documentation > Dashboard


This page proposes a new feature and reviews design options


This page describes a feature that's in development


This page documents an implemented feature

Technical Requirements

The Dashboard is a web-based tool that is developed using Python-based Django MVC framework.

Functional Requirements

Release 0.7-alpha

1) Provide updates on the Archivematica processes by reading rows from the MCP 'Task' table in its MySQL dbase.

  • This will likely have to happen through some kind of polling by the Django app of the MySQL database.
  • One other implementation option we've discussed is having Archivematica publish a RSS/Atom feed that the Django app reads.

2) Interact with the the Archivematica API:

  1. getListOfJobsAwaitingApproval
  2. approveJob
  • i.e. at certain stages in the Archivematica workflow we will stop and await the explicit approval from an archivist to trigger the next series of Archivematica tasks. So somewhere in the Django Dashboard there will be a list of jobs awaiting approval (retrieved from the Archivematica API) and then the ability for an archivist to click a button thereby approving a job and notifiying Archivematica MCP of that action (again, via the Archivematica API).

Post release 0.7-alpha

  • create Accession Record & add appraisal metadata via Dashboard
  • API:
    • listActiveTasks
    • taskCompleteNotification
  • maintain Archival Storage network location (ideally a URI but will depend on chosen storage platform)
  • sync access system metadata updates with matching metadata elements in AIP's METS.xml
  • process AIP request
  • preservation monitoring
    • list format types in storage
    • link to media-type preservation plans (URI starting with wiki-page can evolve to RDF registry)
    • notify when preservation actions required for format types

User interface

Early mockup (March 2010)
