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Main Page > Community


--- The best questions to the list include as much information as possible about the error. This means offering us information about the system(s) you're using, the content of your transfer(s), and copying the task information (click on the cog icon on the same line as the micro-service job where the error occurred) and show arguments data output.

--- Check our issue reporting system for a similar or related bug before you email the discussion list. That way you can see whether we are already working on it and/or link to it in your email so we can update it with your experience.


  • we see your inherent vices : PDF
  • chmod -R 777 /the/past/is/open : PDF
  • because 76% of time travellers agree that the future sucked : PDF


We know there are many more of you out there (at least 30). If you don't see your organization here and would like to be included as part of the visible Archivematica community of implementers, request an account to edit the wiki yourself or email courtney[at]artefactual[dot]com with your information and she will post it here for you.