0.7.1 How-To
This how to is provided in addition to the user manual.
Restart Archivematica
In a single client environment (If you're not sure, use this one.)
- Stop the server. This will disconnect all the clients, forcing them to stop as well.
sudo stop archivematica-mcp-server
- Start the server.
sudo start archivematica-mcp-server
- Start the client.
sudo start archivematica-mcp-client
In a multi-client environment
- Do single client envirnoment steps on the server (Server needs to be running before clients can connect).
- Restart each of the clients.
sudo start archivematica-mcp-client
Restore a SIP backup
- Copy the SIP backup from the backup directory (Default location: /var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/SIPbackups/ ) to a workspace, like your desktop.
- Right click the SIP and run 'Set ownership and permissions'.
- Remove any added files (for example, log files that were generated during SIP processing) to return SIP to its original content.
- Move the SIP to /receiveSIP/ to re-process the SIP.
Modify workflow, to not generate a DIP
These changes will need to be made in the MCP config files, located: /etc/archivematica/MCPServer/mcpModulesConfig/
These steps will still appear in the dashboard, but their commands will be skipped.
The following modification will need to be done to these mcpModulesConfig/xml configs:
- Create DIP directory
- Set the exe Command to skip.
<exeCommand> <command> <skip>Yes</skip>
- Normalize
- Set the exe Command to skip. Note: this doesn't disable preservation normalization, which is done in the <verificationCommand>.
<exeCommand> <command> <skip>Yes</skip>
- Copy METS to DIP directory
- Set the exe Command to skip.
<exeCommand> <command> <skip>Yes</skip>
- Generate DIP
- Set the exe Command to skip.
<exeCommand> <command> <skip>Yes</skip>
Change the checksum type used in the AIP bagit
open for editing: /etc/archivematica/MCPServer/mcpModulesConfig/Prepare AIP.xml
sudo mousepad /etc/archivematica/MCPServer/mcpModulesConfig/Prepare\ AIP.xml
In commands, in execCommand, change the argument for --payloadmanifestalgorithm from "sha512" to a bagit supported checksum algorythm, ie: md5, sha256, sha1.
<arguments>create "%SIPDirectory%%SIPName%-%SIPUUID%.zip" "%SIPLogsDirectory%" "%SIPObjectsDirectory%" "%SIPDirectory%METS.xml" "%SIPDirectory%metadata/" --writer zip --payloadmanifestalgorithm "sha512"</arguments>
Save and restart archivematica. http://archivematica.org/wiki/index.php?title=0.7.1_How-To#Restart_Archivematica
External Disk Transfers
TODO http://code.google.com/p/archivematica/issues/detail?id=132
Manual Normalization
TODO http://code.google.com/p/archivematica/issues/detail?id=464
Add/Remove Extensions from inPreservationFormat/inAccessFormat
open for editing: /usr/lib/archivematica/transcoder/transcoderNormalizer.py
sudo mousepad /usr/lib/archivematica/transcoder/transcoderNormalizer.py
Update these two functions:
def inAccessFormat(): ex=["CSS", "CSV", "HTML", "TXT", "XML", "XSL", \ "MP3", "PDF", "JPG", "MPG"] return transcoder.fileExtension.__str__().upper() in ex def inPreservationFormat(): ex=["CSS", "CSV", "HTML", "TXT", "XML", "XSL", \ "JP2", "PNG", \ "SVG", "WAV", "TIF", "PDF", "ODP", "TIF", "MXF", "ODT", "ODS", "MBOX", "IMBOX", "AI" ] return transcoder.fileExtension.__str__().upper() in ex
- The "\" indicates the array continues on the next line.
- Extensions must be in upper case to work
Add user to the archivematica group
sudo gpasswd -a "USERNAME" archivematica
Where "USERNAME" is the user you wish to add to the group.
Set or change the quarantine period
Open the root's crontab:
sudo crontab -e
Add this line if it doesn't exist. Change the 60 to the desired number of seconds for quarantine.
* * * * * flock -xn /var/lock/quarantine.lock /usr/lib/archivematica/MCPServer/delay/delay.py 60 "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/watchedDirectories/quarantined"
Change Agent Organization Name or Repository Code
sudo mousepad /var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/sharedMicroServiceTasksConfigs/createXmlEventsAssist/organization.ini
[organization] yourAgentIdentifierType= repository code yourAgentIdentifierValue= ORG yourAgentName= Your Organization Name Here yourAgentType= organization