MOV to MXF using FFmpeg

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Main Page > Documentation > Format-specific preservation issues > Audio/Video Interleaved Format > AVI to MXF test results

  • File used was, taken from
  • Used the following command to convert the file: ffmpeg -i -b 3040000 -ar 48000 MakeUp.mxf
  • Note: FITS tools don't recognize the MXF format and only generate a small amount of generic file metadata as a result. In addition, some of the elements that are considered significant properties are not extracted by FITS for the original file. Therefore some of the metadata in these tables are taken from the FFmpeg metadata that were generated during conversion. These are indicated by FFmpeg in brackets next to the value.

File/video stream properties

Property Significant property name Original Normalized
FileSize 14955972 bytes
Duration 00:39
Bit rate 3040 kpb/s (FFmpeg)
Streamcount imageStreams, audioStreams 2 (FFmpeg) 2 (FFmpeg)
FrameCount length
ImageWidth width 320
ImageHeight height 240
BitDepth bitDepth 24
colourSpace yuv420p yuv420p
PAR (pixel aspect ratio)/DAR (display aspect ratio) aspectRatio 72:72/4:3 (FFmpeg)
FrameRate frameRate 30 per second
lossless No No
Compression codec CompressorName: Photo-JPEG (FITS); mjpeg (FFmpeg) MPEG-2

Audio stream properties

Property Original Normalized
Codec raw pcm_s16le (FFmpeg)
Channels 1
Bit rate 17g kbp/s (FFmpeg)
SampleRate 22050 HZ
BitDepth AudioBitsPerSample: 8 (FITS); 16 (FFmpeg)