Archivematica 0.9 Micro-services

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Main Page > Documentation > Technical Architecture > Micro-services > Archivematica 0.9 Micro-services


Micro-service Description
Approve Transfer

Set file permissions

Once the transfer has all its digital objects and has been formatted for processing, the user selects "Transfer complete" from the Actions drop-down menu.
Verify transfer compliance

Set file permissions
Move to processing directory
Set transfer type
Remove hidden files and directories
Attempt restructure for compliance
Verify transfer compliance

Verifies that the transfer conforms to the folder structure required for processing in Archivematica. The structure is as follows: /logs/, /metadata/, /metadata/submissionDocumentation/, /objects/. Standard transfers are restructured for compliance if pessary.
Rename with transfer UUID

Rename with transfer UUID

Directly associate the transfer with it's metadata by appending the transfer UUID to the transfer directory name.
Include default Transfer processingMCP.xml

Include default Transfer processingMCP.xml

Includes a file named processingMCP.xml in the root of the transfer. This is a configurable xml file to pre-configure processing decisions. It can configure workflow options such as creating transfer backups, quarantining the transfer and selecting a SIP creation option.
Assign file UUIDs and checksums

Assign file UUIDs to objects
Assign checksums and file sizes to objects

Assigns a unique universal identifier and sha-256 checksum to each file in the /objects/ directory.
Verify transfer checksums

Verify metadata directory checksums

Checks any checksum files that were placed in the /metadata/ folder of the SIP prior to ingest. Note that the filenames need to be named based on their algorithm: checksum.sha1, checksum.sha256, checksum.md5.
Generate METS.xml document

Generate METS.xml document

Generates a basic mets file with a fileSec and structMap to record the presence of all objects in the /objects/ directory and their location in any subdirectories. Designed to capture the original order of the transfer in the event the user chooses subsequently to delete, rename or move files or break the transfer into multiple SIPs. The mets file is automatically added to any SIP generated from the transfer.
Extract packages

Extract packages
Extract attachments

Extracts objects from any zipped files or other packages. Extracts attachments from maildir transfers.
Scan for viruses

Scan for viruses

Uses ClamAV, parses the output and creates a PREMIS event. If a virus is found, the SIP is automatically placed in /sharedDirectoryStructure/failed/.
Clean up names

Sanitize object's file and directory names
Sanitize Transfer name

Some file systems do not support unicode or other special characters in filenames. This micro-service removes prohibited characters and replaces them with dashes. Original filenames are preserved in the PREMIS metadata.
Characterize and extract metadata

Characterize and extract metadata
Identify Files ByExtension
Load labels from metadata/file_labels.csv

Identifies and validates formats and extracts object metadata using the File Information Tool Set (FITS). Adds output to the PREMIS metadata. Also identities file extensions, these identifications are used for normalization.
Complete transfer

Index transfer contents
Set file permissions
Move to completedTransfers directory

Index transfer contents, before marking the transfer as complete.
Create SIP from Transfer

Check transfer directory for objects
Create SIP(s)
Create SIP from transfer objects

The user chooses among a number of SIP creation options. See the user manual for details.


Micro-service Description
Verify SIP compliance

Set file permissions
Move to processing directory
Verify SIP compliance

Verifies that the SIP conforms to the folder structure required for processing in Archivematica. The structure is as follows: /logs/, /metadata/, /metadata/submissionDocumentation/, /objects/.
Include default SIP processingMCP.xml

Include default SIP processingMCP.xml

Includes a file named processingMCP.xml in the root of the transfer. This is a configurable xml file to pre-configure processing decisions. It can configure workflow options such as creating transfer backups, quarantining the transfer and selecting a SIP creation option.
Remove cache files

Remove cache files

Removes any Thumbs.db files

Check for Service directory
Check for Access directory
Find options to normalize as
Create DIP directory
Normalize access
Normalize preservation
Remove files without linking information (failed normalization artifacts etc.)
Create thumbnails directory
Normalize thumbnails
Verify checksums generated on ingest
Approve normalization

Determins which normalization options are available for the SIP and presents them to the user as choices. Normalizes based on selection.
  • Creates access copies to be added to the DIP.
  • Creates preservation copies to be included in the AIP along with the original files.
  • Creates thumbnail files.

If desired, the user can verify the quality of normalized files in /sharedDirectoryStructure/watchedDirectories/approveNormalization/.

Process submission documentation

Check for submission documentation
Copy transfer submission documentation
Move to processing directory
Set file permissions
Assign file UUIDs to submission documentation
Assign checksums and file sizes to submissionDocumentation
Extract packages in submission documentation
Sanitize file and directory names in submission documentation
Scan for viruses in submission documentation
Characterize and extract metadata on submission documentation
Identify Files ByExtension
Normalize submission documentation to preservation format

Process the submission documentation as an object, but submission documentation only enters the DIP, not the AIP, and is identified in the METS.xml by the fileGrp "submissionDocumentation".
Prepare DIP

Copy thumbnails to DIP directory
Copy METS to DIP directory
Set file permissions
Generate DIP

Create the DIP with copies of the METS file, and thumbnails. Moves the DIP to the upload DIP watched directory.
Prepare AIP

Copy transfers metadata and logs
Remove files without linking information (failed normalization artifacts etc.)
Verify checksums generated on ingest
Generate METS.xml document
Index AIP contents
Prepare AIP
Select compression algorithm
Select compression level
Compress AIP
Set bag file permissions
Removed bagged files

Create an AIP in Bagit format. Index the AIP, then losslessly compress it.
Store AIP

Move to the store AIP approval directory
Store AIP
Store AIP location
Store the AIP

Moves the AIP to a specified directory. In the demo version of Archivematica the directory is /sharedDirectoryStructure/www/AIPsStore/. In other environments it can be a remote network mounted directory. The directory structure of the AIP store contains UUID quad directories and an index.html file listing the AIPs in storage. The index.html file is displayed in the dashboard in the Archival storage tab.

Once the AIP has been stored, a copy of the AIP is extracted from storage to a local temp directory, and is validated with the various BagIt checks: verifyvalid, checkpayloadoxum, verifycomplete, verifypayloadmanifests, verifytagmanifests.

Upload DIP to contentDM

Restructure DIP for CONTENTdm upload
Select upload type (Project Client or direct upload)
Select target CONTENTdm server
Get list of collections on server
Select destination collection
Upload DIP to contentDM
Move to the uploadedDIPs directory

It is now possible to upload to ContentDM.
Upload DIP to ICA-Atom

Upload DIP
Move to the uploadedDIPs directory

The user uploads the DIP to a selected description in the access system. See the user manual for details.