Meeting 20120704

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Revision as of 13:19, 4 July 2012 by Evelyn (talk | contribs)
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  • Re, Austin says that @32bit installs, tested officedocs on a fresh 32bit environment and it seems to function the same as 64bit, using an image from the nightly built installer. He can convert the image to a vmdk for evelyn and courtney to test with.
  • Joseph and Mike have been working on implementing the PREMIS rights updates.
  • A great deal of work needs to be done on the dashboard for 0.9 release: Peter, Evelyn, Courtney and Mike will meet about this tomorrow.
  • Release date for 0.9 has been moved to August 13.



  • Courtney and Evelyn report that testing is very slow using VMs, David and Joseph to investigate a setup that allows for more speed.
  • Courtney is testing as much as possible and thinks we need a new bag sample; she'll try to get to that today.
  • Courtney is doing QA on rights, starting with issue 1053.


Chat log

(10:31:44 AM) epmclellan: berwin22: any dev news?
(10:31:47 AM) ***djjuhasz waits for berwin22 to dump a big list of dev news
(10:31:53 AM) epmclellan: ducking
(10:31:56 AM) djjuhasz: ;)
(10:31:56 AM) ***ARTi grabs umbrella
(10:32:14 AM) berwin22: long weekend threw me for a loop
(10:32:17 AM) courtney: -overheard- from berwin22 "is it wednesday?"
(10:32:53 AM) berwin22: been fiddling with the office conversions, with some success. Working with Austin on the problems on the 32 bit installs
(10:33:05 AM) berwin22: Been working on rights
(10:33:14 AM) berwin22: that's it for my dev
(10:33:40 AM) ARTi: @32bit installs, tested officedocs on a fresh 32bit environment and it seems to function the same as 64bit
(10:33:51 AM) peterVG: oh good!
(10:33:56 AM) epmclellan: really?
(10:34:07 AM) ARTi:
(10:34:22 AM) ARTi: looks like its only failing on the same chem.fodt file
(10:34:57 AM) epmclellan: so how do courtney and I get "fresh 32bit environments"?
(10:35:54 AM) epmclellan: don't really understand what's happening here, why did it work for Austin but not Joseph?
(10:36:21 AM) berwin22: different install disks
(10:36:29 AM) ARTi: I can post the image thats created
(10:36:38 AM) ARTi: yeah I used the nightly built installer
(10:36:46 AM) epmclellan: this is good news!
(10:36:55 AM) courtney: yes indeedy
(10:36:56 AM) berwin22: I think courtney and epmclellan need to be dev
(10:37:54 AM) ARTi: berwin22: need to be dev? like need the dev env on the VM?
(10:38:00 AM) berwin22: yes
(10:38:15 AM) berwin22: to get updates quickly
(10:38:17 AM) ARTi: great, thats what I used.  setup using my svn though
(10:38:22 AM) berwin22: and commit changes
(10:38:31 AM) berwin22: k
(10:38:41 AM) courtney: so... how do we go about getting set up?
(10:39:04 AM) ARTi: courtney: you were testing in virtualbox with a vmdk?
(10:39:12 AM) courtney: yes
(10:39:22 AM) courtney: but i would be very happy not to
(10:39:59 AM) ARTi: I can convert my image to a VMDK..  
(10:40:22 AM) berwin22: k
(10:40:40 AM) berwin22: If you do that, I should be able to help them get setup
(10:40:51 AM) ARTi: ok, will post a link in a bit
(10:41:00 AM) djjuhasz: courtney: what's your preferred test environment?
(10:41:15 AM) djjuhasz: sounds like virtualbox is not your favorite?
(10:41:19 AM) courtney:  no idea. vbox is slow
(10:41:35 AM) epmclellan: my vm is painfully slow
(10:41:37 AM) berwin22: it's the machine. not powerful enough really
(10:41:40 AM) courtney: well, it is actually that i just don't have a very powerful machine
(10:41:41 AM) epmclellan: testing is really slowed down
(10:41:44 AM) djjuhasz: :(
(10:41:45 AM) courtney: ha, what he said
(10:41:55 AM) berwin22: we could try running on caius
(10:42:14 AM) djjuhasz: berwin22: sounds reasonable
(10:42:30 AM) berwin22: I've never setup linux remote desktop though
(10:42:34 AM) berwin22: always used ssh
(10:42:57 AM) djjuhasz: berwin22: remote desktop is pretty easy in my experience
(10:42:59 AM) berwin22: esxi only has windows and command line clients atm
(10:43:23 AM) berwin22: in theory, they dont' need it though
(10:43:31 AM) berwin22: 100% dashboard
(10:43:44 AM) berwin22: and sftp
(10:43:45 AM) djjuhasz: :)
(10:44:07 AM) djjuhasz: prolly more like a deployment environment anyway, no?
(10:44:21 AM) djjuhasz: I wouldn't expect most clients to be running on their workstation
(10:44:50 AM) djjuhasz: only issue may be testing from outside of office, it's a bit harder if you have to tunnel in through a gateway
(10:45:06 AM) djjuhasz: anyway, don't mean to take up all the meeting time with this
(10:45:15 AM) epmclellan: it's ok, it's important
(10:45:33 AM) djjuhasz: we can discuss after meeting if you have more stuff to get to
(10:45:34 AM) berwin22: right, I think that's why courtney had it setup on her latpop
(10:45:37 AM) berwin22: laptop*
(10:45:48 AM) epmclellan: heh...latpop
(10:46:25 AM) djjuhasz: For some reason I'm afraid to google latpop
(10:46:32 AM) peterVG: we're going to run client demo off Courtney's laptop though so we need to make sure that's ready to go by next Thu regardless of what we choose to do for go-forward QA
(10:46:40 AM) epmclellan: yes
(10:47:08 AM) epmclellan: is bare metal install fastest on a laptop?
(10:47:09 AM) courtney: ok
(10:47:09 AM) berwin22: Well the only thing I'm aware of that isn't functioning there is office normalization
(10:47:20 AM) epmclellan: we could do demo without that
(10:47:58 AM) djjuhasz: be nice to make it as fast as possible for the dmeo
(10:47:59 AM) djjuhasz: demo
(10:48:12 AM) epmclellan: so what would be the fastest?
(10:49:11 AM) courtney: we should demo a few photos
(10:49:22 AM) epmclellan: sure
(10:49:43 AM) epmclellan: djjuhasz: berwin22 what would be the fastest demo environment on courtney's laptop?
(10:51:42 AM) epmclellan: ARTi: ^ what do you think?
(10:51:48 AM) berwin22: native install of archivematica no vm
(10:51:56 AM) epmclellan: then let's do that
(10:52:00 AM) berwin22: no
(10:52:05 AM) epmclellan: oh
(10:52:09 AM) epmclellan: why not?
(10:52:32 AM) berwin22: let's think about the implications first
(10:52:36 AM) ARTi: I also think its probably better todo all the testing in a clean env
(10:52:37 AM) peterVG: too much potential for screwing up her native desktop environment and vice-versa
(10:52:40 AM) berwin22: it's fairly invasive. 
(10:52:48 AM) peterVG: ^ agreed
(10:52:51 AM) epmclellan: k
(10:53:04 AM) courtney: could have two OS's on my machine though
(10:53:06 AM) peterVG: we could consider doing an OpenHosting demo as well?
(10:53:11 AM) peterVG: ^ or that
(10:53:13 AM) berwin22: I think it leaves a lot running all the time, so it may slow down her laptop entirely
(10:53:41 AM) epmclellan: can we test that?
(10:53:59 AM) epmclellan: I am thinking about slow loading of pages in qubit
(10:54:03 AM) epmclellan: slow searches, etc.
(10:54:17 AM) epmclellan: speed is more important in qubit
(10:54:21 AM) epmclellan: for a demo
(10:56:28 AM) epmclellan: ok, maybe we can talk about this after the mtg
(10:56:57 AM) epmclellan: testing/docs news?
(10:57:18 AM) courtney: i'm testing as much as possible - i think we need a new bag sample
(10:57:25 AM) courtney: zipped and unzipped
(10:57:32 AM) courtney: will try to get to it today
(10:57:42 AM) epmclellan: I'm doing some testing too
(10:57:47 AM) courtney: just 
(10:57:47 AM) courtney: QA's first stab at rights
(10:57:57 AM) courtney: issue 1053
(10:58:18 AM) peterVG: I will sit down with Mike tomorrow to review AIP indexing status
(10:58:27 AM) courtney:
(10:58:40 AM) peterVG: I also have some questions about UI design for transfer/ingest
(10:58:53 AM) courtney: peterVG: good, call me in when you want my input
(10:59:02 AM) peterVG: courtney: yes, i think that would be good
(10:59:11 AM) peterVG: a) we need to stick more closely to mockup design
(10:59:31 AM) epmclellan: there's a lot of dashboard dev needed for 0.9
(10:59:39 AM) epmclellan: does Mike have a lot of migration work to do?
(10:59:42 AM) peterVG: b) want to follow-up on other cosmetic changes we've discussed, eg. getting rid of home page and left-column
(10:59:45 AM) epmclellan: worried about how much time is needed
(10:59:58 AM) epmclellan: error reporting needs a lot of work too
(11:00:00 AM) peterVG: so we'll find out more about scope of mike's tasks tomorrow
(11:00:22 AM) peterVG: but we also discussed some further wiggle room in release date yesterday
(11:00:35 AM) epmclellan: yes, but we need UI stuff for demo on the 18th
(11:00:53 AM) peterVG: yes, so when we discuss tomorrow we'll focus on what we can have ready by then
(11:00:58 AM) epmclellan: ok
(11:01:00 AM) peterVG: to make sure it looks best as possible
(11:01:01 AM) courtney: yes. would be nice if mike could be on it until then
(11:01:27 AM) peterVG: so aside from that I want to make sure Archivematica team has eye on release schedule/process
(11:01:36 AM) peterVG:
(11:02:13 AM) peterVG: we need to coordinate and make sure everyone is on task for respective duties (assuming of course that dev tasks are on track)
(11:02:31 AM) epmclellan: yes
(11:02:33 AM) peterVG: eg. building vms, testing vms, wiki updates, screencast! :-)
(11:02:34 AM) courtney: i'll need help with documentation
(11:02:47 AM) peterVG: unfortunately I will be away for much of this process
(11:02:54 AM) epmclellan: is djjuhasz responsible for this overall coordination?
(11:02:55 AM) courtney: because i have like 11 talks/workshops/tutorials in the next 2 months
(11:02:56 AM) peterVG: or fortunately, depending 
(11:03:14 AM) ARTi: Ill start dusting off my release tasks
(11:03:17 AM) epmclellan: courtney: I'll try to help with docs
(11:03:22 AM) peterVG: epmclellan: no not yet
(11:03:28 AM) courtney: epmclellan: you are a saint
(11:03:34 AM) peterVG: djjuhasz: will take lead on this for 1.0 release in Jan 2013
(11:03:37 AM) djjuhasz: epmclellan: no, I can't jump in on Archivematica yet.  Too much on my plate with Qubit + data migration
(11:03:39 AM) epmclellan: got it
(11:03:48 AM) epmclellan: so I can do it
(11:03:53 AM) peterVG: thx epmclellan
(11:04:03 AM) epmclellan: np
(11:04:17 AM) peterVG: as per discussion yesterday I do think we have an additional week of wiggle room in schedule given our current client committments
(11:04:27 AM) epmclellan: yes, that'll really help
(11:04:53 AM) peterVG: that would also give me a week back in the office to help out with any loose ends/decisions at that point
(11:05:02 AM) epmclellan: excellent
(11:05:08 AM) djjuhasz: peterVG: Do you think JessicaB can help with Archivematica docs?  She's expressed interest in being more involved with the project
(11:05:26 AM) djjuhasz: I'm not sure what her workload is right now
(11:05:38 AM) peterVG: you could ask. I don't want to take away from any Qubit 1.3 QA/testing/docs she will need to be doing in July though
(11:05:38 AM) epmclellan: djjuhasz: damn fine idea
(11:05:43 AM) courtney: peterVG: djjuhasz: prob better for 1.0 - just because of learning curve
(11:05:49 AM) peterVG: i agree ^
(11:05:52 AM) epmclellan: ok
(11:05:58 AM) peterVG: and i expect she has enough on her plate for 1.3
(11:06:15 AM) djjuhasz: fair enough
(11:06:24 AM) epmclellan: that's what I thought he was going to say
(11:06:31 AM) courtney: the joint atom/arch meeeting went well last week, though, i think
(11:06:38 AM) peterVG: great
(11:06:38 AM) djjuhasz: yeah, I'm sure it would take a little while to get up to speed with it
(11:06:43 AM) courtney: gave us a good starting point for collaborating more
(11:06:56 AM) epmclellan: courtney: agreed, quite useful
(11:06:59 AM) djjuhasz: courtney: yeah it was good
(11:07:07 AM) peterVG: It would be good to use the 1.0 release to try and bring the two teams closer together and have both work on release tasks as per this discussion
(11:07:16 AM) courtney: agreed
(11:07:31 AM) djjuhasz: courtney: it made me think that it would probably be best to have me in on the meetings to discuss technical details
(11:07:48 AM) courtney: i'll invite you officially
(11:07:49 AM) djjuhasz: As much as I'm not keen on more meetings on my schedule ;P
(11:07:58 AM) courtney: they are biweekly, at least
(11:08:10 AM) djjuhasz: True, I can handle that :)
(11:09:13 AM) peterVG: we're over time. I'm headed out to Esme's bday party. back after lunch
(11:09:22 AM) courtney: have fun! 
(11:09:24 AM) djjuhasz: It'll be more relevant when I've got a handle on the Archivematica dev early next year
(11:09:26 AM) epmclellan: happy birthday esme!
(11:09:39 AM) djjuhasz: peterVG: Eat some cake and hot dogs for us!
(11:09:44 AM) djjuhasz: :P
(11:09:46 AM) peterVG: you bet!
(11:10:44 AM) ***djjuhasz is looking forward to roasting weenies on his camping trip this weekend :)
(11:10:54 AM) peterVG: oh, so getting back to releaes date change
(11:11:00 AM) peterVG: we can move to Aug 13
(11:11:09 AM) peterVG: so bump code freeze by week as well
(11:11:17 AM) peterVG: can some pls update wiki and google calendar?
(11:11:24 AM) epmclellan: I can do that