SIP Structure

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Main Page > Development > Category:Development documentation > SIP Structure

This page is no longer being maintained and may contain inaccurate information. Please see the Archivematica documentation for up-to-date information.

A Transfer or SIP in Archivematica has a number of special directories and files. Many of these are created by Archivematica, and should not be submitted by users. Others will trigger specific workflows if included in the transfer.

Path File or Folder? Source? Usage
/SIP_Folder folder User Top level container for the the SIP
/SIP_Folder/DIP folder Archivematica This will become the DIP
/SIP_Folder/DIP/objects folder Archivematica Contains the access derivatives
/SIP_Folder/DIP/thumbnails folder Archivematica Contains thumbnails for the DIP
/SIP_Folder/logs folder Archivematica Log files generated by Archivematica
/SIP_Folder/logs/fileMeta folder User Uncertain, used in the TRIM workflow
/SIP_Folder/metadata folder User Metadata files provided by the user. Depending on the file, these may be processed by Archivematica.
/SIP_Folder/metadata/checksum.md5 text file User External checksums for original files. Format is the same as the output of md5deep -rl objects/. Also supported: checksums.sha1 and checksums.sha256
/SIP_Folder/metadata/file_labels.csv CSV file User Labels for files in the METS structMap
/SIP_Folder/metadata/metadata.csv CSV file User File-level DublinCore metadata
/SIP_Folder/metadata/metadata.json JSON file User File-level DublinCore metadata formatted as JSON. Will be converted to a CSV during processing
/SIP_Folder/metadata/rights.csv CSV file User File-level PREMIS Rights metadata.
/SIP_Folder/METS.sip-uuid.xml XML file Archivematica Contains all of the metadata on the METS
/SIP_Folder/objects folder User or Archivematica Original objects provide by the user. If this directory doesn't exist, all files in /SIP_Folder will be moved here by Archivematica
/SIP_Folder/objects/access folder User Triggers manually created access derivatives workflow, which is deprecated in favor of manual normalization workflow.
/SIP_Folder/objects/manualNormalization/normalization.csv CSV file User CSV that provides a mapping for original objects of the same name to their access and preservation derivatives in manual normalization.
/SIP_Folder/objects/manualNormalization/access folder User Access derivatives created outside of Archivematica. Should have the same filename as the original, but may have a different extension
/SIP_Folder/objects/manualNormalization/preservation folder User Preservation derivatives created outside of Archivematica. Should have the same filename as the original, but may have a different extension
/SIP_Folder/objects/service folder User Service files - cleaned up versions of the original that are not derivatives. Normalization can be performed on these files instead of the originals
/SIP_Folder/processingMCP.xml XML file Archivematica or user Automates workflow decisions. Created by Archivematica, but can be submitted as part of the Transfer to override the default pipeline workflow choices.
/SIP_Folder/submissionDocumentation folder User Folder for files that are not original objects but should still be in the AIP
/SIP_Folder/thumbnails folder Archivematica Contains thumbnail derivatives